My Perfect Wedding

I definitely want to get married someday.

Ever since I was a little girl I dreamt of my perfect wedding in a long white princess lookalike wedding gown.
I’d marry the love of my life, the one I’d spend the rest of my life with.
We’d marry in a beautiful old church or outside in a forest filled with flowers,  just like Peyton and Lucas did in One Tree Hill.
I’d love that. 

My mission, my purpose in life is to find my ‘Lucas’, my true love.
To be someone’s Peyton.
The one you always wanted.

I have the feeling that I know am.
My boyfriend definitely is my ‘Lucas’.
And I do think if he’d be the one I would marry one day.
Of course, we still have a long way to go until then.
But still.

A girl can dream right?

My wedding would be so perfect, romantic.
Not too big, just our closest friends and family.
I wouldn’t need a big feast, as long as I’d have the persons that truly matter to me.

And of course, my husband to be.

Heads would turn and jaws would drop as soon as I’d enter.
As I’d be walking down the aisle, people would whisper to each other how beautiful I look.
How happy.

They’d be jealous of me.
They’d envy me.
They’d say I’m so lucky.

Because I would be happy.
I really would.

I’m still young, I know that.
And I won’t get married soon but still
in a way
I can barely wait for that beautiful day I’ve been dreaming of for so long to come.



Flowers are coming out,
revealing themselves.
Shining bright in the sun.

Temperature is getting warmer.
Time to wear those tops and shorts.
Short skirts.
Summer dresses.

People start to come back out in the open again.
Going for a swim.
A romantic pick nick.
Or just a casual walk.

The days seem brighter.
Full of live.
Of love.

People smile.
Happiness is all around.
Everywhere you look.
The darkness is gone.

Light has won once more.
Spring has finally defeated Winter.
Spring, a new beginning, conquered the cold, long , dark, depressing Winter.
All is well now.

All is good.
The world is lighting up.


My Perfect Valentine

This is a post that I wrote yesterday, but since it was Valentine’s Day and I had plans , I couldn’t upload it yesterday. Enjoy.

I was waiting for my boyfriend to come home to me, surrounded  by candles and with Bon Jovi’s “bed of roses” playing in the background.
I had made a rose petal trail leading from the backdoor to the living room, lit by a few candles that I had placed on the floor.
On the backdoor I had put some post-it notes, saying things like “welcome home darling <3” “Leave the lights off…” “& come in”.
I had put our food (a tagliatelli dish with scampi’s) already in our plates, and presented them on the kitchen table.
With the light of six candles. Three little ones, and a big scented one in the middle. Two large, long red candles standing on each side.
I also decorated the table with all sizes of little cut out red hearts in plastic, spread across the table.
I’ll post some pictures underneath this text.
I also had about ten heart shaped balloons, spread across the living room and kitchen.
A red blanket saying “I love you” in different languages spread across the couch.
Heart shaped little candles saying “I love you” softly burning on the fireplace.
When he came in, the first thing I noticed was that he was holding something.
Since the lights were out, it took me a few minutes to realize what it was that he was holding.
A bouquet of red roses, my favourite flowers. Beautiful red roses with some white flowers mixed between them.
I was speechless for a second, although I’m sure that he didn’t notice that.
He came in, we made some smartass comments to try and hide that I was actually blushing really hard because he had thought of Valentine’s Day (even though I was kind of hoping that, since I secretly put a message in his cell phone this morning while he was in the bathroom , an agenda note saying “Happy Valentine’s Day darling <3” . I especially put it on the time when he arrived at/ started work.
I kissed him and we said how much we loved each other.
We had dinner by candlelight.
It was so lovely and cosy.
After dinner, after I had put the dishes away, I got drink for when he’s at practice and I’m sitting at the side (which is now the case since it’s 8.25 p.m as I’m writing this) and when I got back, he suddenly pulled me close and said we were going to dance, slow dance.
I was surprised and told him we had never danced before, he answered me that that was part of the reason why we would now.
We slow danced on “Bed of Roses”, which I had left playing as I went after my drink.
It was heaven.
Even though I had told him that I couldn’t dance, he told me to follow his lead.
Which didn’t went as bad as I thought it would go.
It was heaven indeed.
Holding him close, kissing him as if it was the first time we ever kissed, he holding me tightly.
After that we just did a bit foolish, like the crazy-in-love-fools that we are.
Too bad we had to go to his training tonight, I just hope he’ll have some energy left when we arrive at home.
Even so, falling asleep in his arms and waking up next to him is heaven itself.
All I could ever wish for.
This truly was the best Valentine’s Day ever, so far.
Who knows, what might still come.
Hope you all had a great Valentine’s Day as well darlings, enjoy it!

My lovely table decoration 

The path of rose petals leading to the living room 


Candles everywhere in the living room 


The bouquet of Red Roses my love got me ❤ It’s so beautiful, and it smells soooo good!