Whisper In The Ear

A look.
A touch.
My heart stops beating.

A kiss
tender as ever
a breeze on my cheek.

A scent in the air
A whisper in my ear
A hand on my back.

A hand caressing my skin.
Another one caressing my hair

Your words in my ear
My heart skips a beat
My body’s screaming

“I want you”


Update Of A Busy Girl’s Life

Hey Guys

It’s been a long time since I properly wrote something, I know and for that I’m sorry but as some of you may know; I’m having technical difficulties.

In April, I started my last internship for my education.
It was one I did before during November, December and January but I had to re-do it because I got a 9/20 the first time, so I failed it.
I got a second chance however as some of you may remember.

My internship went great, only good comments, a lot of compliments, people that at first didn’t want me in their house eventually changed their minds and said I was excellent in my job.
All that appreciation made me feel so great!

On the 27th of June, I graduated as a (let’s call it nurse because I don’t know how to say it in English) nurse.

A little more than a week later, I started at my new job in a new nursing home.
I’ve been working there exactly one week today.

It’s hard work since everything is new and a bit chaotic, but I have a pretty amazing collegue who helps me whenever she can.

My love and I are still getting used to this new way of living.
Sometimes we don’t get to spend much time together, if I need to get up really early in the morning.

He’s currently living at my house as well since the rest of my family is on vacation.
It’s great living together. It’s perfect for us this way, since now we can get used to the fact that I won’t get to spend each weekend next to him anymore.
Last weekend I had to work as well and could only be with him in the evening…

And this Thursday I’m working from five ’till nine, so we won’t be able to have dinner together.
And since this Friday I have to get up early for work, we won’t get much time together

The good news is though, that Friday evening we get on a plane together.
Towards Spain, to visit my parents and brother for three days on the camping.
We’ll be sleeping in the tent close to our trailer.

I’m so looking forward to it.
My first family vacation with a boyfriend
and not just any boyfriend, but the love of my life.
No doubt about that.

We’re both excited about it.
And about my new job, since now we can finally start seaching for a place of our own.

So let the savings begin! 😉