Keep Pushing On

It’s been ages , again, since I wrote on this blog.

That doesn’t mean that I have forgotten all about it, quite the contrary. I think about it all the time but still am a bit hesitant when it comes to actually writing on it… I never know which one of the bullies from a few years back is still following this blog to make fun of it…

What I can say however is that I’ve never been more glad that a year has ended… 2017 probably was the worst year of my life, for so many heartbreaking reasons…

I lost people I loved dearly, I lost something I’ve wanted for years now, I lost my job, twice even. My husband lost his, twice. So now we’re home together, both unemployed… We lost a lot of money, 2017 literally was the year we lost the most in… “Loss” seemed to be the central theme….

I’m not ready yet to talk about some things and in a way I don’t even want to. I’ve put it behind me and I feel that there’s no reason to look back when all I need to do now is move forward.

Of course I will mourn the ones I’ve lost because that is the right thing to do and because I do miss them. I need to place the fact that they’re gone in my life. I’m grieving them. I miss them…

Normally, every time around new years eve, I say to my love “next year will be our year” but this time, I didn’t.

Instead we are both working to make it that way, to make it our year.
We had quite a rough start but we’re working to make it better soon. We’re working hard to provide our own happiness…

Although it’s all but easy…

Although it gets tested a lot, I still have faith that things will be right, eventually.

Keep faith and work hard has become one of our many motto’s the past year and we will keep pushing through.

We will make it, we’ll make sure of it

– Britt
